How do I Add An Account to a Client via CSV

There are two ways that can be used to start the process of adding an account to a client via CSV; this is covered in 1a and 1b. After that, the process of adding the information is the same.

1a.   While in the Clients section, click the Add Account link located to the right of the prospect that you would like to add an account to.


1b.   While in the Clients section, click on the client that you would like to add an account to. You will be taken to the Overview tab. From here you can click the Add Account button.



2.   A pop-up will appear asking if you are managing this account. Select the option that pertains to the account and click Next.

Note: The message at the bottom of the popup can be negated. If you add a held-away account, it will be excluded from aggregation of the client’s assets; there is an Exclude option located to the right of the account that will be enabled when the held-away account is added. To change this in the future, you just need to disable the Exclude option that is located to the right of the account.


3.   A pop-up will appear. If you do not have the CSV template downloaded already select click the Download CSV template link to download the file.


4.   Once the file has been downloaded, open it up. There are only two columns; Ticker and Amount (Amount is the market value of the holding and not the number of shares). Enter the tickers and amounts into the file and save it. Do not use commas when entering amounts.


5.   Go back to the pop-up with where you downloaded the template from and click Upload CSV.


6.   You will next see a pop-up saying Select your spreadsheet data to StratiFi fields. You do not need to change anything here so just click on Continue.


7.   The system should add the securities and you should receive a message saying that the securities were successfully uploaded. Click on the View the account button.


8.   The Create Account pop-up should appear at this point and once it does, enter in a name for the account and then click the Create Account & Run Prism button. This system will process the portfolio and give it a Risk Tolerance score. This process could take a couple of minutes.